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From Recipes to Wellness, This Is Keto Made Easy.

large container of chocolate collagen peptides against a purple background

How Much Collagen Per Day to Take

Collagen is one of your body’s unsung heroes. From contributing to healthy skin to supporting flexibility in your joints, collagen plays an important role in fueling your daily activities. The question is: how much collagen per day is enough? Collagen...

A man on a slackline in the park

Fun Ways to Exercise: 23 Unconventional Workout Ideas

Exercising can sometimes feel like an exclusive club, accessible only to people who are already super fit. But no matter where you are on your fitness journey, you too can experience joy while moving your body, getting your heart rate...

Bottle of Bulletproof MCT Oil surrounded by vegetables

What are Macros, and Should You Count Them?

Macros is shorthand for “macronutrients”, the three main categories of nutrients your body needs to survive. The three macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats and protein. Balancing your intake of these macronutrients is essential for maintaining a healthy diet. Some diets focus...

Woman sleeping at her desk

15 Small Things You’re Doing Wrong That Have a Huge Impact on Your Wellness

Being consistent is a critical component to being successful. However, if you’re consistently doing the small things wrong, you could run into big problems down the line. And when it comes to your health, you may be surprised to learn...

Plate of keto no-bake chocolate chip cookies next to chocolate bar, Bulleproof Grass-Fed Ghee and coffee

No-Bake Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies

When your sweet tooth is calling, you can’t go wrong with a batch of these easy-to-make, no-bake keto cookies. In less than an hour, you can enjoy a low-carb dessert recipe that only requires 10 minutes of prep time, six...

Mug of Bulletproof Sea Salt Hazelnut Mocha sitting on Keurig Machine next to jar of Bulletproof coffee pods and Hazelnut Creamer

20 Easy Recipes to Add to Your Healthy Routine

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, you can feed your body the nutrients it needs without spending a ton of time in the kitchen or stressing over complicated cooking instructions. From delicious drinks with science-backed ingredients to...

how to detox from sugar

Sugar Detox: What to Do When You’ve Had Too Much Sugar

Need to detox from sugar? Sugar binges happen to the best of us. Birthdays, holidays, Halloween … heck, even just a stressful day can throw you off your clean-eating game into a spiral of candy and other foods to satisfy...

Woman drinking Bulletproof Greens before a workout.

Mind-Body Motivation: 16 Ways to Reignite Your Routine

Feel like you’re stuck in neutral? Luckily, there are plenty of creative ways to change up your mind-body routine and get the needle moving in the right direction again. From switching up your eating window to bolstering your supplement stack,...

A kale shake with a straw on a wooden counter

The Kale Shake is Awesome—So Upgrade It

Kale and fruit breakfast shakes are all the rage now. But, there are ways to make this nutrient-dense drink even better for you. Kale has nutrients that make people feel healthier, manage their weight and get more done. It’s a big...

Cooked white rice on a plate with chopsticks

Resistant Starch 101: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

You might have heard of starchy foods, like sweet potatoes, rice and other tasty carbs. But what is resistant starch, and why is it so good for your gut? Many carbohydrate-rich foods contain starches, which are essentially long chains of...

Smoothie made with Bulletproof Greens and Bulletproof Unflavored Collagen Peptides

Greens Powder Smoothie

Say goodbye to basic green juice and hello to a new, tasty way to enjoy the benefits of leafy greens and superfoods. Packed with quality fats, antioxidants and collagen peptides, this Greens Powder Smoothie features our Bulletproof Greens. Creamy, delicious...

Bulletproof greens scoop on off-white background.

What Are Greens? 6 Things to Look for in a Greens Powder Supplement

If you’re having trouble building a custom supplement stack, maybe it’s time to consider a more comprehensive nutritional solution. Greens powders are growing in popularity among wellness enthusiasts, but how do you choose the one that’s right for you? At...

Man working at home at table

What Are Brain Supplements? What to Know About Nootropics

The best brain supplements, also called nootropics, come in handy when you want to feel sharp, alert and focused. But how do they work? A single vitamin or mineral won’t help you remember where you parked the car. Instead, the...

Variety of colorful vegetables

What It Looks Like to Eat Vegetables With Every Meal

Unless you dream of greens, it can be tough to eat enough vegetables every day. You know they’re good for you: Veggies are packed with essential nutrients that support your entire body, plus fiber to support regular digestion. The problem...

Leafy greens with eggs

Just 1-2 Daily Servings of Leafy Greens Slows Cognitive Decline, Study Finds

A 2018 study published in Neurology demonstrates that a daily dose of leafy greens – think spinach, kale, collard greens, bok choy — is linked to sharper memory and slower cognitive decline in seniors. Leafy greens consumption slows cognitive decline substantially...