Diet Tips / SuperFoods
Himalayan pink salt, cherries, mineral water—oh my! A lot of foods try to claim superfood status, so we’re breaking down which ones actually make a quality addition to your daily nutrition.

Are Cashews Good For You?
Cashews make for a delicious, low-carb snack—but are cashews good for you? As it turns out, yes! Cashews not only...

Himalayan Salt Benefits: Why It’s Better Than Table Salt
Along with fat, salt has been demonized for decades in the name of heart health. Truth is, you can consider...

Just 1-2 Daily Servings of Leafy Greens Slows Cognitive Decline, Study Finds
A 2018 study published in Neurology demonstrates that a daily dose of leafy greens – think spinach, kale, collard greens, bok...

Is Chocolate Good For You? The Health Benefits of Chocolate
Theobroma cacao, the Latin name for chocolate, means “Food of the Gods” for a reason. It’s a heavenly way to...

What Are The Benefits Of Green Tea?
Green tea is well-known for being more than a comforting, caffeinated beverage. But what are the benefits of green tea...

5 Good Foods for Skin Health and Radiance
Who doesn’t want a youthful, radiant complexion? After all, it can be incredibly frustrating to deal with dry skin or...

Is Mineral Water Good For You? The Benefits of Drinking Your Minerals
Is mineral water good for you? Good news: It might be one of the most underrated supplements out there. There...

Celery Juice for Digestion and Bloat: Why Your Gut Loves This Green Juice
When it comes to home detox and laxative remedies, you may have heard celery juice as a top choice. After...

6 Benefits of Cherries, a Bite-Sized Superfood
Cherries are packed with delicious nutrition. They give you a bite-sized boost of essential vitamins and nutrients, including potassium, copper,...

Rooibos Tea Benefits Weight Management, Plus 9 Other Reasons to Drink It
Introducing rooibos (pronounced “ROY-boss”), one of the hottest teas to drink right now. An herbal tea from South Africa, rooibos...

Coconut Vinegar: Legit Superfood, or Health Hype? Here’s What You Need to Know
Apple cider vinegar has long reigned as a go-to solution for fat-burning, nutrient absorption, and clearer skin. But you may...

How to Use Cacao Butter, the Keto-Friendly Fat Your Diet Needs
Whether or not you’ve heard of cacao butter, you’ve probably tasted it (or rubbed it on your skin). This keto-friendly...

Chlorogenic Acid: The Coffee Ingredient That May Save Eyesight
If you want to do one simple thing to improve your performance, drink coffee. Coffee is packed with compounds that...

Dark Roast Coffee May Reduce Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, Study Says
Here’s another thing to add to coffee’s long list of benefits: Dark roast coffee is especially good for your brain...

Sweet Potato Nutrition Info and Health Benefits
Sweet potatoes are a low-glycemic, nutrient-dense, Bulletproof-approved starch. These tubers are high in antioxidants and low in anti-nutrients like lectin....

Study: Drinking 3-4 Cups of Coffee a Day Linked to Longer Life
Good news for coffee drinkers: New research suggests that a daily java habit is more likely to help your health...