Dark Roast Coffee May Reduce Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, Study Says

- Prefer light roast? There’s a reason you should start going bold: It’s good for your brain health.
- New research says compounds present in dark roast coffee called phenylindanes may reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
- Moldy coffee increases your risk of toxic protein formation that puts you at risk for disease. So, make sure you’re brewing high-quality, mold-free coffee.
- To get more phenylindanes in my life, I’m going to start brewing Bulletproof French Kick dark roast. It’s specially processed and lab-tested for more than 25 toxins — and most importantly, it tastes delicious.
Here’s another thing to add to coffee’s long list of benefits: Dark roast coffee is especially good for your brain health, according to a new study. Researchers at the Krembil Brain Institute in Toronto found that dark roast coffee contains phenylindanes, compounds which may reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Here’s what you should know about the study — and how to find the best coffee beans to upgrade your brain.
What are phenylindanes?
Phenylindanes inhibit beta amyloid and tau — two protein fragments common in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s — from clumping together and disrupting your normal neural pathways.[1]
The coffee roasting process naturally produces higher quantities of phenylindanes. Dark roasts offer greater protection than light roasts. In a statement, researchers said this is the first time anyone has researched how phenylindanes interact with the proteins that are responsible for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
It’s too early to tell whether you should switch to dark roast exclusively. However, it’s safe to say that coffee is one of Mother Nature’s ultimate superfoods. Java makes you sharper, faster, stronger, and more mentally resilient, which is why it’s such a big part of the Bulletproof Diet. Learn more about the benefits of coffee.
Why the type of coffee bean matters
In the study, researchers used instant coffee packets. Instant coffee tends to be high in acrylamide, a carcinogenic toxin. You want to make sure your beans are high-quality and mold-free. As great as this superfood is, it’s well-established that coffee beans are highly susceptible to mold — and mold definitely isn’t Bulletproof.
Mold toxins are a major trigger of toxic protein formation in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s. I talk about the issue in my book Head Strong and on an episode of the Bulletproof Radio podcast with Dr. Dale Bredesen, an internationally recognized expert in neurodegenerative diseases.
Learn more about how mold toxins in your coffee are making you sick and how mold nearly destroyed my life.
Bulletproof coffee beans are specially processed and rigorously lab-tested for more than 27 performance-robbing toxins. Whether you prefer medium or dark roast, your cup will be pure and free of mold. That way, you can enjoy your coffee’s powerful antioxidants and natural energy — without the effects of gross packets of instant coffee.
Confession: I’ve never liked dark roast. I changed my tune after 18 months of challenging the Bulletproof roasting team to produce a dark roast that actually tastes good. The French Kick dark roast is more than just drinkable: It’s smooth, sweet, and certified clean.
The Mentalist, Bulletproof’s medium-dark roast, will always be my favorite coffee bean. But now I’ll start adding our dark French Kick to the mix, to get more phenylindanes in my life. You should, too. Your brain will thank you.
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