
If you’re here, chances are you know and love Bulletproof coffee. Now, let’s get you acquainted with how we source our beans, answer your brewing questions and explain what enhanced coffee is. This is the place for coffee enthusiasts, so grab your morning brew and read on.

Coffee stain graphic

How to Remove Coffee Stains (and Bulletproof Coffee Stains)

Whether you prefer your morning brew hot, iced, strong, or sweet, one universal truth unites all coffee drinkers: at some...

Buttered coffee, coffee beans, and butter

Why Butter Coffee Is the Secret to Burning Fat and Fueling Your Morning

Curious about butter coffee benefits? We examine the science of butter in coffee in this article. “Butter coffee,” or Bulletproof...

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New Algorithm Tells You How Much Coffee to Drink for Peak Alertness

Drinking the right amount of coffee is a delicate dance — too little and you’re still sleepy; too much and...

Coffee Keto Ice Cream

Keto Coffee Ice Cream

Keto ice cream recipe & content provided by Jordan Pie Ever since I created the Chocolate Coconut Keto Ice Cream...

Bulletproof Coffee Hack with egg latte

Bulletproof Coffee Egg Latte

Bulletproof Coffee Egg Latte recipe and content provided by Brent Totty Egg coffee is a traditional Vietnamese drink, usually made...

woman drinking collagen coffee

Study Shows Coffee in the Morning Increases Ketone Levels

Researchers in Canada found that coffee helps your body produce ketones, and as participants drank more coffee, ketones in the...

An iced coffee topped with a sprig of mint

Mint Mojito Iced Bulletproof Coffee

Herbalists have used peppermint for hundreds of years knowing it instantly soothes an upset stomach and takes the edge off...

A sampler tray of paper coffee cups

6 Common Questions About Bulletproof Coffee

Bulletproof Coffee has already changed hundreds of thousands of people’s lives. You owe it to yourself to see how good...

coffee with a star shape

Bulletproof Coffee Versus Fatty Coffee

Black coffee is so powerful that Johann Sebastian Bach wrote a musical piece in 1732, titled “The Coffee Cantata,” with...

bad coffee

Why Bad Coffee Makes You Weak

Good coffee is magic. It can promote brain function, memory, and energy levels. It can serve as a massive source of...