|February 13, 2024

Inside Bulletproof: The Science Behind Bulletproof Greens—The New Way to Start Your Day

By Dr. Emily Gonzalez, ND
Reviewed for Scientific Accuracy

Inside Bulletproof: The Science Behind Bulletproof Greens—The New Way to Start Your Day

  • Unlike other greens powders, Bulletproof Greens contains ingredients that support both your body and your mind.†
  • Find out what went into the formulation of Greens, including why certain organic fruits and veggies made the cut.
  • Discover how carefully selected nootropics and digestive aids separate our Greens from the rest of the pack.

Unleashing your limitless potential means pushing the boundaries and embracing new opportunities. And just like you, we consistently challenge ourselves to improve and grow.  Thanks to the efforts of our entire team, we’re proud to bring a new product to life that’s truly one of a kind: Bulletproof Greens

While you may have some familiarity with greens powders, this new-to-2022 offering contains several groundbreaking elements. Below, you’ll find a full breakdown of what’s in Greens, including how we optimized the formula to support mind and body balance.† Plus, we’ll provide some guidance on how to start your day with this unique and exciting supplement.

Selecting the right science-backed ingredients

Bulletproof Greens surrounded by fruits and vegetables.

A supplement is only as good as the quality of its ingredients. And when it came time to formulate Greens, our team worked diligently to select ones that will optimally support your brain and body.†

We delved into the research studies to help us select effective nootropics (more on these below!) at dosages that boost cognition, attention and focus.† We also made sure to add digestive aids like enzymes and probiotics to help the consumer get the most out of this Greens powder.

Of course, picking the right fruits and vegetables—including several superfoods, as well as medicinal mushrooms like lion’s mane and cordyceps—also played a significant role in the formulation process. After all, not all fruits and vegetables are created the same.

We made sure to choose organic ingredients for the fruits and vegetables that are in the Environmental Working Group’s 2021 Dirty Dozen™ aka the top list of fruits and vegetables with the most-common pesticide use—we considered the top 20. To get a well-rounded blend, we chose a variety of veggies, from leafy greens like spinach and kale, to cruciferous options like broccoli and cauliflower. To get the benefits of fruits without introducing unwanted sugar, we selected a few low-glycemic ones, including lemons, strawberries and blueberries.

Related: What Are Adaptogens? 11 Natural Herbs to Keep You Balanced

Optimizing a Greens formula

Mixing Bulletproof Greens into a glass of water.

Our mission is to help you unlock the best version of you, and that’s exactly why we took the typical greens powder in a different direction. We optimized our formula with one special addition.

Although fruits and veggies can be beneficial, some contain anti-nutrients called oxalates that interfere with the absorption of minerals and may be problematic for the body. Luckily, Greens contain an ingredient that can help counteract that.

Based on research studies, we included calcium citrate in the formula to help bind with oxalates in the digestive tract so that they are less likely to decrease the absorption of minerals—or be absorbed into the body. Mitigating oxalates can go a long way in helping maximize the nutrients that enter your system.†

Nootropics: What sets us apart

Woman drinking Bulletproof Greens while working on laptop.

Between organic fruits and veggies, superfoods and digestive aids, Greens has no shortage of ingredients to support your body. However, we took great care to keep your brain at the forefront of the formulation, too. In fact, this supplement is specifically designed to help support mind and body balance via brain-boosting nootropics.†

Here’s what you need to know about the ones in Greens:

  • Citocoline is a naturally-occurring form of the essential nutrient choline. At a dose of 250mg per day, it has been found to help with attention, focus, and motor speed without being a stimulant.†
  • Panax ginseng is an adaptogenic herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. At a dose of 200mg per day, it has been shown to improve mental fatigue and overload and support cognitive function. †

Related: Panax Ginseng: Uses, Benefits and More About This All-Star Adaptogen

How to start your day with Bulletproof Greens

Smoothie ingredients in a blender, including Bulletproof Greens

Eager to take your morning routine to another level? Simply prepare a glass of filtered water for your AM serving of Greens. This simple, no-frills approach is an easy way to support your mind and body on a daily basis. Or, you could start your day with a Greens-boosted smoothie.

If you don’t have time in the morning, don’t worry. Put a few to-go stick packs in your purse, backpack or gym bag for future consumption. While you can take Greens any time of the day, it’s best in the morning to help start your day off on the right foot.

As for pairing this product with other supplements? For a well-rounded regimen, here’s what you can take daily with Greens:

The bottom line: Greens is a science-backed way to support your brain and body with vitamins, minerals, superfoods, probiotics, digestive enzymes and nootropics. Each ingredient was carefully chosen with your optimal health and performance in mind. While we still encourage you to eat your veggies, Greens can help you reach great heights!†

Some greens powders contain ingredients that aren’t so friendly for your brain and body. Learn more about what to look for in a greens supplement—and what to avoid.

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