Author: Dr. Emily Gonzalez, ND

Emily Gonzalez is a naturopathic doctor based out of Seattle, Washington. Originally from New Jersey, Gonzalez relocated to the West Coast to earn her undergraduate degree at Stanford University. She received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. Outside of work, you can find her reading, bird watching, solving a New York Times crossword puzzle, sipping a Bulletproof Original Decaf coffee or infusing her favorite Bulletproof product, Dark Chocolate Complete Daily Energy.

Bulletproof Greens container and to-go pack on top of powder.

Inside Bulletproof: The Science Behind Bulletproof Greens—The New Way to Start Your Day

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Display of candies and other sugary snacks.

Inside Bulletproof: The Not-So-Sweet Truth About Sugar and Immune Health

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