#BETHEPROOF: How Bulletproof Helped Me Find My Balance

For as long as I can remember, health and fitness have always been a part of my life. As a teen, I belonged to the gym, where I would do cardio and strength training, along with taking dance and step classes (if you know, you know). It was an outlet, and I loved being fit and strong.
Then, everything changed…
Down and out
Truth is, I’d always wanted to be a nutritionist, but chemistry just wasn’t my thing. So while I wasn’t able to make a career out of it, I devoured all the health and wellness information that I could.
Then, five years ago, my health started to deteriorate. I was still incredibly active, running 4 to 5 miles a few times a week, taking boxing and Barry’s Bootcamp classes and any type of HIIT workout I could find, but my body wasn’t responding the way it used to.
At the same time, I began to feel down, as if I were living in a fog. It got to a point where I didn’t know what to do, so I called my therapist. In addition to a few sessions, she suggested some options that I was initially open to, but eventually didn’t think were right for me. I tried it for a bit, but I knew this treatment plan wasn’t the long-term solution.
I felt even more lost, and in true Robin fashion, took a much deeper dive into my symptoms: weight gain (regardless of diet and exercise), along with mood and stress issues, and a slew of others.
All signs pointed to my thyroid. And, so began my healing journey.
Doctor shopping
First, I saw an endocrinologist who immediately put me on medication and told me my weight gain wasn’t so much, but to try eating less. Actually, she told me to go to Weight Watchers, and it was only 5 pounds at that point. After feeling dismissed, I tried another doctor. And then another. And even one more, until I decided that Western physicians weren’t right for me.
It wasn’t until I found a functional doctor that I finally felt heard. They suggested I see a nutritionist in their practice, and while I had tightened up my already-clean diet, I was also asked to cut out gluten and dairy. I was open to it.
Enter: the keto lifestyle. My doctor suggested I begin to follow a high-fat, low-processed diet to see if it would not only help me feel better, but clear the brain fog and help me shed the pounds that I had gained (I had put on 20 at this point).
Related: The Keto Diet for Beginners
Becoming Bulletproof
While on this new path, I began to do my own research (shocker!), which is how I discovered Bulletproof. As a coffee lover, I was thrilled to know that I could keep my morning cup as part of my AM ritual.
I started adding Bulletproof MCT Oil into my coffee and this would hold me over until about noon, satisfying my caffeine fix and my hunger, as well as helping me focus more clearly. Once I got used to my new routine, I would alternate with Bulletproof Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil, as well.
While following a keto diet and doing HIIT workouts, I slowly began to shed some of the weight and eventually started to feel better.
The collagen infusion
Another suggestion my nutritionist gave me was to start consuming collagen protein.
Now, I had been a vegetarian for close to 20 years, so ingesting collagen took me a minute to wrap my head around.
However, if it meant that it might support my healing on this journey, then I was all in. I started to add Bulletproof Unflavored Collagen Protein into my routine. Sometimes, it would be in my morning coffee, other times in smoothies or a cup of afternoon matcha. I even started eating meat again as I was told that the animal protein and amino acids might also help improve my gut health.
Detox time
Healing isn’t always linear. I was doing much better, but I knew something was still off. In this process, I learned to trust my intuition and that I was the only one who really knew how I felt in my own body.
Even after discovering my thyroid issue, my functional doctor implored me to dig deeper. With her help, I eventually discovered that mold in my home was the root cause of my health issues.
After a mold remediation, I began to instantly feel better. I even did a mold detox under her guidance, and traded in my HIIT workouts for yoga and walking.
Discovering balance
My newfound yoga practice began to provide me with strength and muscle tone that I hadn’t seen in years, along with an hour to fully disconnect. I was able to completely shut off my mind and flow, while still getting a great workout. I quickly realized that the lower-impact workouts were much more effective for me, and even though I used to believe the harder the better, I shed that mentality for a more balanced one.
Yoga challenged me to go deeper physically and mentally. I finally understood that perfection was a myth; that the concept didn’t exist.
There is no ‘perfect’ in yoga or life; rather, it’s all about progress.
My thirst for more returned, which was when I decided to earn my yoga certification. After 10 weeks and 200 hours, I can now say I am officially a certified yoga instructor. And while I had no intention of teaching when I started out, I fell in love with guiding others on their yoga journeys, too.
Related: Mind-Body Wellness: 8 Practices That Will Help You Balance Your Psyche
Feeling centered
After a long road of ups and downs, both mentally and physically, I have finally lost the weight, and once again, feel confident in my body.
While I have moved away from the keto diet, I continue to drink Bulletproof Coffee, consume collagen protein (I love Bulletproof Collagen Protein Bars: hello Lemon Cookie and Vanilla Shortbread!), all of which are mainstays in my routine.
I’ve learned to #BETHEPROOF by mastering balance: working a full-time job running a public relations agency, teaching yoga and being a mom. Thanks to Bulletproof, I’m fueled and satiated while setting out to conquer each and every day!
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The guest author of this blog was compensated for endorsement.