|January 25, 2022

Head Strong Community Resources

By Courtney Sperlazza, MPH
Reviewed for Scientific Accuracy

Head Strong Community Resources

Welcome, Head Strong readers!

You’re about to experience the most energetic and productive two weeks of your life. Once you peel back all of your barriers and unlock your unlimited self, you’ll never want to go back to what you used to think was normal.

You landed here because you’re it the middle of reading “Head Strong.” Here, you’ll find all of your bonuses to help you along your way.

If you haven’t read Head Strong, head on over here to pick up a copy and start your journey toward a life of more energy and brain power in the tank than you’ll ever use.

Head Strong Book

Head Strong bonuses

Quick start guide and weekly schedule

Head Strong quick start guide and weekly schedule

Quiz: What’s your chronotype?

“Head Strong” video resources