#BETHEPROOF: How Bulletproof Coffee Helped Fuel My Life 180

- After struggling with depression, weight gain and self-worth, Bulletproof Coffee was my first step in a lifelong wellness journey. It gave me energy, clarity, and—most importantly—momentum.
- Along the way, I discovered the benefits of floatation therapy, which helped with calming my mind, entering a meditative state and manifesting positive visualizations.
- My new passion transitioned into a full-blown career, and I’m still powering up with Bulletproof Coffee to #BETHEPROOF.
Bulletproof Coffee has been a constant in my routine for the past five years. However, in order to really appreciate what this fat-fueled cup of joe really means to me, allow me to take you on my own personal journey that inspired me to #BETHEPROOF.
Post-college adventuring and gig work
Out of college, like many, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to be when I grew up. In fact, I traveled around quite a bit, from working as a midwest backpacking guide to a horse-drawn carriage driver in a Colorado ski town.
Between seasons, I took an “extended vacation” to South Florida (I’m still here 19 years later), where I bounced around as a gig worker taking on jobs as a nightclub bartender, valet of fancy cars and sun-soaked lifeguard. In my downtime, I was a concert booker and promoter, as well as a band manager, and spent many days and long nights on the road.
A spirit broken
I may not have realized it at the time, but in hindsight, it’s clear that my adventures were a convenient distraction from dealing with my family struggles. At 26, I lost my mother and 11 years later, my brother.
Over the course of those years, it had become apparent that the true cost of my lifestyle was a hefty sum paid by my spirit. In a word, I felt broken.
I had a beautiful, loving wife and friends wherever I went, but I was deeply depressed and held little self-worth. I traded most of what I enjoyed doing for ‘The Hustle.’ I put on considerable weight and was labeled ‘obese’ by my doctor. As a former multisport varsity athlete in high school who had enjoyed soccer, beach volleyball and surfing, I now struggled to complete the simple task of tying my own shoes.
At that point, I assured my wife I’d get back into shape, and although I believed I could do it, deep down, I had no idea where to start. I wasn’t just depressed, I was disappointed—and my situation was paralyzing. When I look back on it now, there’s a haze surrounding that period of my life. I’d lost all momentum.
The power of podcasts and Bulletproof Coffee
In 2015, while on the road as a band manager and live music event promoter, I took my first deep dive into the world of podcasts and started devouring shows featuring forward-thinking doctors, wellness experts and inspirational storytellers.
Podcasts were also where I first heard about Bulletproof Coffee. I was immediately intrigued when learning about the concept, and the seed was planted…
Soon after learning about the power of this wonder coffee, I returned home to South Florida for a reprieve, which offered me time to experiment with Bulletproof Coffee and reassess my health goals. I began consuming the recipe while also restricting my diet.
The results were incredible! I was finally able to savor the freedom of not feeling full and weighed down for the first time in years. I always enjoyed a good cup of coffee, but when I started experimenting with adding pure coconut oil and grass-fed butter (I eventually graduated to adding MCT oil, too), I was amazed by the energy and clarity it provided. As I developed a wellness routine, my new coffee concoction evolved into an invaluable pillar.
Next, I joined a gym and managed to prioritize it! Yoga called to me, so I started attending the classes the gym offered. I also invested in a bike to get me around, knowing that any movement would continue to build back my metabolism.
Float therapy: the next frontier
As my brain fog began to clear out, my wheels were in constant motion. Awake late into the night, I scoured the internet for business ideas that would help me escape the music industry. Although I loved creating events, it was near impossible as an independent promoter and manager to succeed at my level. The high of a successful show subsided quickly as the grind wore me down.
As I reminisced about my time on the road, I recalled another specific podcast about floatation therapy benefits, the act of floating weightlessly in a sensory deprivation tank filled with 1,000 pounds of an Epsom salt solution, void of light, sound and external stimuli.
I’d heard Joe Rogan say that through Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy, a magnesium sulfate-rich float tank was a powerful tool for calming the mind and inducing a meditative state, and I had grown desperate to do just that… I’d originally gravitated toward the tank due to my anxiety, which had compounded over time. I was in the dark about how bad it was until my third float session when I experienced an awakening sense of this is how I’m supposed to feel.
I continued to strengthen my practice to reap all the floatation therapy benefits possible—until the tank I used became unavailable. On one of those sleepless nights, it occurred to me that South Florida needed a float center more than it needed another music venue (it had been my dream to open one).
Becoming The Float Guy
My research revealed the Float Conference, an annual event that took place in Portland, Oregon. Disguised as a long visit to spend time with extended family, I began to plan my trip. Only my wife and immediate family knew my true intentions of exploring the float industry; it would still be quite some time before I was comfortable being “The Float Guy” publicly.
Far from committed to the new direction, I set some goals and figured it would either be another interesting experience, or possibly inspire the new direction I had been desperately craving. So, I bought my plane ticket and embarked on a journey attending the three-day conference, followed by a four-day apprenticeship.
Taking Bulletproof Coffee to-go
At this point, my Bulletproof Coffee was integral to my newfound well-being. My personal concoction evolved into adding cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne and black pepper to my blend of coconut oil, MCT oil and grass-fed butter.
Although I was well aware of the hip coffee scene in Portland, I was not confident I’d be able to find a shop that could provide my trusty blend on my first extended trip since developing a relationship with this powerful beverage.
So, in preparation for the trip, I melted down and blended enough of the ingredients to last me the week, and froze them in a piece of Tupperware for my diagonal journey across the country.
Powered by my on-the-go Bulletproof Coffee, not only was it an adventurous trip, but all of my goals and more were achieved. I was especially inspired by the story of Emily Noren who utilized floatation to overcome her eating disorder. The desire to help others through floatation was born, and my vision finally started to take shape.
Related: Keto on the Go: How to Fuel Up With Bulletproof Coffee & Snacks—No Matter Where You Are
Fueling my transition
After returning from Portland, thanks to my Bulletproof Coffee, I was mentally afloat (pun intended), but I had too many other commitments in motion to make my float center dream a reality.
In the spring of 2016, a music engagement I helped produce for seven years decided to call it quits. But as life tends to do if you let it, a nearby opportunity presented itself. It just so happened the space next to my wife’s yoga studio had become vacant; it was literally the door I needed to open to reach my next chapter.
My new bout of hope allowed me to make the about-face I yearned for. I began exercising, playing sports again and practicing yoga. The increased activity fueled by my Bulletproof Coffee helped me melt away almost 50 pounds in the following months! I cut my long hair and shaved my beard for the first time in years. I was a new man.
My pivot into intermittent fasting
At the time, ketogenic diets were the thing. I’ve never been one to follow a strict diet because I don’t have what it takes to control what I eat. However, I have found that I can eat whatever I want… if I control when I eat.
So, instead of following the keto hype, I adopted a way of eating that worked for me. My version of intermittent fasting has changed my life. After a fast, my Bulletproof Coffee keeps me energized and focused throughout the day, followed by a short and controlled eating window. My body is now able to take whatever I throw at it, without ever feeling bloated.
Related: The Complete Intermittent Fasting Guide for Beginners
Introducing: Float8 Wellness Lounge![Float8 Wellness Lounge Lobby]()
Today, I continue to attend each and every Float Conference, and in 2017, my wife and I opened our very own four-tank float center: Float8 Wellness Lounge in South Florida. I’m also proud to announce that despite the most challenging year of our time, we cut the ribbon on our second location in October. And, while I wish I could share these experiences with my mother and brother, instead, they inspire me to serve my community.
Nowadays, my work is endlessly rewarding. I have the most amazing conversations with such a diverse group of floaters. I hear story after story of the various benefits of floatation therapy, and how it has helped floaters deal with anxiety, addiction, loss and chronic pain, as well as achieve deep relaxation. And, how float sessions make them feel “normal” again. Our most regular visitors interested in floatation-REST and sensory deprivation therapy include professional athletes, firefighters, police officers, nurses, veterans, lawyers, surgeons, mothers, fathers, grandparents, and more.
Additionally, my wife and I believe that adding a float practice to your routine helps you gain perspective, strengthen visualization and be the boost you need to live your best life. Float8 provides the ideal setting to enter a float room to relax, recover, reset and embody the self-care needed to be a better partner, parent and neighbor, which, in turn, enriches our community.
How lasting energy helped me #BETHEPROOF
Today, I’m in the best shape of my life. I’m back to playing soccer and beach volleyball for fun. My yoga practice feeds my confidence with physical, mental and spiritual strength. My pup and I go on runs and to the park daily. My wife and I are happier and more in love every day, and are privileged to run a successful wellness business together.
These days, I think about momentum a lot. When life is moving fast, it’s hard to change course. When it’s at a standstill, it’s easier to pivot, but harder to get going. The floatation tank helped me slow down and manifest the turning point I needed. Bulletproof Coffee helped power my new direction dedicated to physical fitness and mind-body wellness. I now have clear, long-term goals, and a path to reach them. I managed against all odds to do so.
Now, it’s my time to #BETHEPROOF.
My Bulletproof Coffee recipe
The best part about Bulletproof Coffee is that beyond its core ingredients, you can truly make it your own. Each morning, I blend the following ingredients with an electric stirrer:
- 16 ounces of strong, dark-roast coffee brewed in a French press
- 1 Tbsp. coconut oil
- 1 Tbsp. MCT oil
- ¾ scoop collagen peptides
- 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp. turmeric powder
- Pinch cayenne pepper
- Pinch black pepper
Optional ingredients, depending on how I’m feeling:
- 1 Tbsp. grass-fed butter
- Pinch Himalayan salt
- ¼ scoop vanilla plant-based protein powder
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The guest author of this blog was compensated for endorsement.