|August 14, 2019

How to Follow the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap

By Dave Asprey
Reviewed by Emily Gonzalez, ND for Scientific Accuracy

How to Follow the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap

  • People who follow the Bulletproof Diet report that it’s the easiest diet they’ve ever done.
  • When the rules are too limiting, you’re more likely to give up or go on a binge.
  • The Bulletproof Diet Roadmap makes it easy, with a color-coded guide to foods that make you feel fantastic, foods that make you weak, and everything in between.

Have you ever started a diet and felt like you had to be perfect? Or you beat yourself up when you eat even a bite of something that is “off limits” or on the “not allowed” list?

A lot of people feel this way, which is why most diets don’t work. The Bulletproof Diet is different.

Thousands of people who follow the Bulletproof Diet report that it’s the easiest diet they’ve ever done. You get your fill of satisfying foods, You don’t get cravings you get with other diets, and you also enjoy flexibility that makes the Bulletproof Diet easy to incorporate into your life.

Most diets either severely restrict the amount you eat, or they list foods as “allowed” or “not allowed.” Restricting your intake saps your energy, turns on the craving monster, and you start thinking obsessively about food.

Why the Bulletproof Diet works and is easier to stick to

Here’s How to Do the Whole30 and Be Bulletproof_woman cooking_dietNot allowing certain foods misses the mark in two ways. First, you may needlessly shun a food that works with your biology. The Bulletproof Diet acknowledges your individuality. Certain people react to a specific food, while others can eat it either in moderation or even all the time without a negative impact.

Second, when the rules are too limiting, you’re more likely to give up or go on a binge. Sometimes even just knowing in your mind that you can have something on occasion gives you the strength to say no.

The Bulletproof Diet Roadmap

On the Bulletproof Diet, foods are on a spectrum. Some foods are great and you eat lots and lots of those. Some foods are okay for some people, not so great for others, and it’s up to you to pay attention to how you feel. A few foods will knock you down and you avoid those at all costs.

The Bulletproof Diet Roadmap makes it easy, with a color-coded guide to foods that make you feel fantastic, foods that make you weak, and everything in between. You can get a copy for your fridge here, and if you here’s how to take it step-by-step.

Here’s how foods are organized on the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap.

Green zone

Green zone foods do not trigger inflammation and do not affect your blood sugar. In the green zone, the toxin content is either super low or nonexistent.

Yellow-green zone

Foods in the yellow-green zone are great, too. Potential for inflammation and blood sugar effects are slightly higher than you have with green zone foods, but not enough to avoid or restrict them at high levels.

Yellow zone

Just as with traffic lights, yellow means “caution.” Some people react to foods in the yellow zone, others don’t. Some people can have small amounts of certain yellow zone foods, while others can eat yellow zone foods with abandon. Or, a food can be in the yellow zone because it impacts your blood sugar.

Once you’re in the yellow zone, true biohacking begins. This is when you pay close attention to what your body is telling you. Symptoms of a food sensitivity can range from feeling “off” to digestive distress to fatigue to rashes to brain fog. It’s your job to pay attention.

Yellow-orange zone

Yellow-orange is a caution zone just as with yellow, but the likelihood that the foods will cause inflammation or spike your blood sugar is a little bit higher than with yellow zone foods.

Orange zone

Orange zone foods have a confirmed negative impact on your body, and should be consumed rarely, if ever. If you indulge, give your body some time to recover by staying up in the green and green-yellow for a while.

Red zone

Nothing good comes from eating in the red zone. These foods most certainly leave you inflamed and weak, and even contribute to disease processes. Stay far away.

It doesn’t get easier than that. Download the roadmap, eat in the green zone most of the time, experiment down to yellow, and see how your body reacts. Soon, you’ll have your very own personalized way of eating that is perfect for your biology.